Tag Archives: Mount Ortles

4 October 2011 – …and a THIRD!

Yesterday the researchers and technicians were able to extract another ice core from the summit glacier of the Ortler mountain. For the third time within just a few days they were able to reach the rocks on which the glacier lies.

This time, not only the climatic but also the perforation conditions were particularly favourable. Since the upper layers only contained little melt water, which therefore did not obstruct the hole, the perforation was faster.

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26 September – The ice cores !

The second day of work on the summit glacier of the Ortler mountain and 50 metres of ice cores have already been extracted (See the picture gallery).

The favourable weather conditions have allowed the researchers to speed up operations.

No particular problems have been detected so far and the health of the personnel present on the mountain is also good. They are being constantly monitored by the medical team of EURAC’s Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine. Their work also involves collecting medical and scientific information that could help to better understand altitude sickness and particularly pulmonary oedema.

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24 September – From the camp

We publish today the first pictures of the camp on the glacier of the Ortler mountain. (See the picture gallery of the base camp)

The particularly favourable  meteorological conditions (sun and no wind) have allowed the researchers to work well. Yesterday they were already able to fix the tent over the metal structure that contains the ice perforation system. It was fixed as high as possible and very close to the upper edge of the glacier where, according to the plan, the first ice core will be extracted.

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22nd of September – The Campus | 22 Settembre – Campus di glaciologia | 22. September – Das Glaziologiecamp

Twenty high school students from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen (ten Italian and ten German-speaking) together with their accompanying teachers have started the Glaciology camp at the Hotel Franzenshöhe, which is located on the way to the Stelvio pass  (See the Glaciology camp Programme). In the coming five days they will meet experts, researchers, glaciologists and guides from the Stelvio National Park. The main goal will be to better understand the research aspects of the Ortler project and the surrounding environment.

Yesterday the researchers implemented various preparatory activities while waiting to be transported by helicopter to the glacier in the coming days. There, the researchers will set up a remote camp where they will stay for the following 30 days in order to work on the delicate task of extracting an ice core from the glacier. Even during this delicate phase, the entire research team has proven to be very helpful, explaining to the students every single aspect of their work and presenting some similar research that took them, during their careers, to several glaciers in various parts of the globe, from Antarctica to New Guinea. See the picture gallery of the first day of the camp.
Tomorrow (23 September), the research team and all the material should be taken to the glacier at 3,950 meters by helicopter.