Tag Archives: Education

Summer school in Glaciology 2014


The 4th edition of the summer school in Glaciology, organized in the framework of the Ortles Project, involved 22 students from Italian and German high schools of the Province of Bolzano.

The summer school occurred between Sep. the 16thand 19th at the Hotel Refuge Franzenshöhe, located at 2200 m along the road to the Stelvio Pass in South Tyrol. The first day of the summer school the students learned the geological and petrographic properties of metamorphic rocks that are typical of the Stelvio area (paragneiss and orthogneiss). In addition permafrost and the role that it plays in shaping the landscape were studied.

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Summer School in Glaciology 2013

The third edition of the Summer School in Glaciology for high school students of the Province of Bolzano has taken place between the 17th and 21st of September. This event has been organized in collaboration with the Departments of Education (Italian and German languages) of the Province of Bolzano, EURAC, the National Natural Park of Stelvio and the Hydrographic Office of the Province of Bolzano.

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Campus di glaciologia 2012

Pochi giorni fa si è conclusa la seconda edizione del Campus di Glaciologia 2012 realizzato dai dipartimenti istruzione di lingua italiana e tedesca della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.


22 studenti di entrambe le lingue, appartenenti a 11 differenti scuole della provincia di Bolzano, hanno trascorso 5 giorni (dal 17 al 22 Settembre) molto intensi e fatti di incontri con ricercatori, guide e responsabili del Parco dello Stelvio, escursioni sul territorio e laboratori didattici con lo scopo di conoscere da vicino natura, ruolo e metodi di studio dei ghiacciai.

La sede di svolgimento del Campus è stata l’Hotel Franzehohe situato a pochi chilometri dal Passo dello Stelvio sul versante di Bolzano. Il programma del corso ha permesso agli studenti di seguire una presentazione del Dott Gabrielli (Coordinatore scientifico del progetto Ortles) che ha parlato via Skype dagli Stati Uniti. L’escursione si è svolta sul Ghiacciaio di Solda, con l’ausilio di guide alpine e istruttori, ed ha permesso agli studenti di raggiungere la Cima Solda.

Il prossimo appuntamento è  dal 22 al 24 Ottobre 2012 presso l’EURAC (Bolzano) dove si svolgeranno le giornate della Scienza. In quell’occasione gli studenti parleranno della loro esperienza.

18 November: Science day

A few weeks ago the “Science Days” took place in Bolzano at EURAC. It is a type of fair around the subject of teaching science, where students, teachers and authorities met in order to find out about and present the projects currently ongoing in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

This initiative is organised by the Italian Division for Education and Training – Pedagogical Section- of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The schools participating in the Ortler project also took part and each student group gave a brief presentation on their own work to the audience. You can find all presentations on our homepage.


It was a unique opportunity to observe personally whether and how much has been going on in the schools regarding this project. It all happened only short time after those 20 days in September, when the three main educational activities took place: the glaciology camp, the visit to the perforation site and the Social Media Campus.

We were particularly impressed by the enthusiasm, the energy and the passion demonstrated by the students while presenting their experiences. They used various methods: short papers, close examinations, picture galleries, etc. All this also positively impressed the (young and older) students visiting the fair.


27th September – First match point

Almost there.

The good climatic conditions of the last few days meant the researchers were able to accelerate the ice core drilling operations. The top of the ice core drilling system is currently located at a depth of 70 metres below the surface of the glacier. According to georadar measurements made in recent years (2008, 2009, 2010), the glacier’s depth was estimated at not more than 75 metres.

This is the “first match point” of our little adventure, as Paolo Gabrielli, team coordinator, told us, slightly moved, yesterday.

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24 September – From the camp

We publish today the first pictures of the camp on the glacier of the Ortler mountain. (See the picture gallery of the base camp)

The particularly favourable  meteorological conditions (sun and no wind) have allowed the researchers to work well. Yesterday they were already able to fix the tent over the metal structure that contains the ice perforation system. It was fixed as high as possible and very close to the upper edge of the glacier where, according to the plan, the first ice core will be extracted.

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22nd of September – The Campus | 22 Settembre – Campus di glaciologia | 22. September – Das Glaziologiecamp

Twenty high school students from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen (ten Italian and ten German-speaking) together with their accompanying teachers have started the Glaciology camp at the Hotel Franzenshöhe, which is located on the way to the Stelvio pass  (See the Glaciology camp Programme). In the coming five days they will meet experts, researchers, glaciologists and guides from the Stelvio National Park. The main goal will be to better understand the research aspects of the Ortler project and the surrounding environment.

Yesterday the researchers implemented various preparatory activities while waiting to be transported by helicopter to the glacier in the coming days. There, the researchers will set up a remote camp where they will stay for the following 30 days in order to work on the delicate task of extracting an ice core from the glacier. Even during this delicate phase, the entire research team has proven to be very helpful, explaining to the students every single aspect of their work and presenting some similar research that took them, during their careers, to several glaciers in various parts of the globe, from Antarctica to New Guinea. See the picture gallery of the first day of the camp.
Tomorrow (23 September), the research team and all the material should be taken to the glacier at 3,950 meters by helicopter.