XIX INQUA Congress 27 July-August 2015 Nagoya (Japan)
Oral talk by Daniela Festi, XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya July 27-August 2015 (Japan), “Turning pollen into a chronological tool: annual, seasonal and daily variation of pollen deposition in the Alto dell’Ortles Glacier (Eastern Italian Alps)”.
Alpine glaciology meeting (AGM) May 2015 Milan (Italy)
Poster by Michele Berto, at the Alpine Glaciology Meeting in Milan (AGM, May 2015), “Continuous analysis of an ice core from the Eastern European Alps to study aerosol deposition (trace elements and black carbon) during the last centuries”
European Research Course on the Atmosphere (ERCA) January 2015
Poster by Michele Berto at the European Research Course on the Atmosphere (ERCA, January 2015)”Analysis of the ice cores drilled at Alto dell’Ortles glacier (3905 m, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy) with a “continuous flow analysis” (CFA) system: Measurements of trace elements heavy metals concentration and refractory Black Carbon (rBC)”.
Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Sudtirol/Ricerca zoologica e botanica in Alto Adige 2-3 September 2014 Bolzano (Italy)
Festi D., et al. (2014) High resolution pollen based chronology on a Mt. Ortles firn core. Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol/Ricerca zoologica e botanica in Alto Adige. 2-3 September 2014 Bolzano (Italy).
9th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference 26-31 August Padova (Italy)
Festi D., et al. (2014) When pollen turns in a chronological tool: daily, seasonal and annual variation of pollen deposition in the Alto dell’Ortles Glacier (3905 m s.l.m., Eastern Alps). 9th European Palaeobotany & Palynology conference – 26-31 august, Padova (Italy).
Europen Geoscience Union General Assembly 27 April-2 May 2014 Vienna (Austria)
Festi D., et al. (2014) Palynology as an age-control tool for ice cores. First results of PAMOGIS – Pollen Analyses of the Mt. Ortles Glacier Ice Samples. Europen Geoscience Union General Assembly 2014. 27 April-2 May 2014, Vienna (Austria).
Osterreichischer Klimatag 2-4 April 2014 Innsbruck (Austria)
Festi D., et al.. (2014) Annual and inter-annual variability of pollen accumulation in a Mt.Ortles firn core. 15.Österreichischer Klimatag, 2-4 April 2014, Innsbruck (Austria).
American Geofisical Union Meeting 9-13 December 2013 San Francisco (USA)
Gabrielli P., et al.. (2013) A high altitude paleoclimate record from an ice core retrieved at the northern margin of the Mediterranean basin. AGU Meeting 9-13 December 2013, San Francisco (USA). (abstract)
14th Alpine Glaciology Meeting 25-26 March 2011 University of Milan (Italy)
Filippi R., Notarnicola C., Carturan L., Seppi R., Gabrielli P., Zebisch M., Lanzinger M. & Dinale R. 2011. Semi-automatic glacier mapping on the Ortles-Cevedale glaciers (Italy) by using ETM+ and TM Landsat images. 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Munich 24-25 February 2011, Book of Abstracts: 31-32.
Gabrieli J., Carturan L., Gabrielli P., Cozzi G., Turetta C., Dalla Fontana G., Dinale R., Staffler H.,Thompson L., Barbante C.
Seasonal deposition of atmospheric trace elements to the Vedretta Alta dell’Ortles, the highest of Eastern Alps.(Poster-abstract)
Carturan L., Gabrielli P., Gabrieli J., Barbante C., Dalla Fontana G., Dinale R., Hausmann H., Krainer K., Rastner P., Seppi R., Staffler H., Thompson L.G. 2010. Recent glaciological investigations on Mt. Ortles (Tyrolean Alps). (Oral presentation-abstract)
31st Annual Meeting della “Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)” 7-11 Novembre 2010, Portland, Oregon, (USA)
T. Kirchgeorg, Z. Xie, L. Ahrens, An. Dreyer, J. Gabrieli, C. Barbante, P. Gabrielli, L. Thompson, R. Ebinghaus
Polyfluorinated compounds and brominated flame retardant in dated alpine snow samples
(Oral presentation-abstract)
Geoitalia 2009 9-11 Settembre 2009, Rimini (Italia)
Gabrieli J., Gabrielli P., Thompson L., Cozzi G., Vallelonga P., Seppi R., Dalla Fontana G., Carturan L., Munari M., Dinale R., Cescon P., Barbante C. 2009. The Ortles Ice Cap as a possible paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental archive since the Otzi (the prehistoric otztaler man, 5200 AD) time. Geoitalia 2009 VII Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra. Epitome, 3, 295. ISSN 1972-1552.