Category Archives: Education

The Best School Year Start Ever: the Glaciology Camp

What could be a better start for the school year than to participate in a Glaciology Camp?!

For 23 students and three teachers, this opportunity became a reality as they participated in the sixth edition of the Glaciology Camp held last September on the Ortles Mountain.

Students doing research in the field. Author: Valter Carbone

The idea to involve students in research activities started in 2011 when the Ortles Project was born. Starting from the first expedition in 2011, every year, the students of the schools of the Province of Bolzano (in both Italian and German languages) have the great opportunity to be selected and participate for a week in an immersive experience in the field, next to researchers such as Paolo Gabrielli,  principal investigator of the Ortles Project.

Seminars at Franzenshöhe Hotel. Paolo Gabrielli , Principal Investigator of the Ortles Project explains features of the Ortles glacier. Author: Valter Carbone

Students took part in research activities in the Val di Mazia streams, sampling macroinvertebrates for monitoring the quality of the water.

Monitoring the quality of the water by sampling macroinvertebrates. Author: Valter Carbone

The apex of the campus has been the roped party excursion on the glacier of Cima Solda thanks to the alpine guides of Solda.

Excursion on the glacier. Author: Valter Carbone

Activities and experiences of their time during the camp were presented by the students during the Science Days in Bolzano in October. Stay tuned to know more…

Una studentessa del Campus di Glaciologia sull’ Ortles ci scrive : Ein Tag Antarktis in Sulden

Das Eis und der Schnee unter den Füßen knirschen. Hin und wieder erspäht man den Schatten eines Felsens, ansonsten ist man von einer weißen Welt umgeben. Die Windböen ziehen und zerren an allem, was ihnen im Wege steht. Und trotzdem verschluckt die Stille der Eiswüste fast vollständig das Stapfen der Bergsteiger.


20 Schülerinnen und Schüler deutscher und italienischer Maturaklassen aus ganz Südtirol, haben sich dieses Jahr in Begleitung erfahrener Bergführer auf die Suldenspitze gewagt. Trotz polarähnlicher Wetterverhältnisse, hat es eine kleine Gruppe bis auf den Gipfel geschafft.

La sera precedente i giovani hanno partecipato a una videoconferenza con Alessia Cicconi, una ex-insegnante italiana che lavora all’università a Columbus (Ohio, USA). Lei ha avuto la possibilità di vivere alcuni mesi nel posto più arido del mondo: nell’Antartide. Alessia ha raccontato della sua esperienza straordinaria: ha trascorso l’estate nella base italiana.

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Glaciology Camp 2015

Dal 15 al 19 settembre si è svolta in località “Franzenshöhe” nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio la quinta edizione del seminario scientifico bilingue incentrato sui ghiacciai, la loro vita ed i fenomeni che li caratterizzano organizzato dal settore innovazione e consulenza del Dipartimento alla formazione di lingua tedesca in collaborazione con l’Area pedagogica dell’omologo Dipartimento di lingua italiana.

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Summer school in Glaciology 2014


The 4th edition of the summer school in Glaciology, organized in the framework of the Ortles Project, involved 22 students from Italian and German high schools of the Province of Bolzano.

The summer school occurred between Sep. the 16thand 19th at the Hotel Refuge Franzenshöhe, located at 2200 m along the road to the Stelvio Pass in South Tyrol. The first day of the summer school the students learned the geological and petrographic properties of metamorphic rocks that are typical of the Stelvio area (paragneiss and orthogneiss). In addition permafrost and the role that it plays in shaping the landscape were studied.

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Summer School in Glaciology 2013

The third edition of the Summer School in Glaciology for high school students of the Province of Bolzano has taken place between the 17th and 21st of September. This event has been organized in collaboration with the Departments of Education (Italian and German languages) of the Province of Bolzano, EURAC, the National Natural Park of Stelvio and the Hydrographic Office of the Province of Bolzano.

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Campus di glaciologia 2012

Pochi giorni fa si è conclusa la seconda edizione del Campus di Glaciologia 2012 realizzato dai dipartimenti istruzione di lingua italiana e tedesca della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.


22 studenti di entrambe le lingue, appartenenti a 11 differenti scuole della provincia di Bolzano, hanno trascorso 5 giorni (dal 17 al 22 Settembre) molto intensi e fatti di incontri con ricercatori, guide e responsabili del Parco dello Stelvio, escursioni sul territorio e laboratori didattici con lo scopo di conoscere da vicino natura, ruolo e metodi di studio dei ghiacciai.

La sede di svolgimento del Campus è stata l’Hotel Franzehohe situato a pochi chilometri dal Passo dello Stelvio sul versante di Bolzano. Il programma del corso ha permesso agli studenti di seguire una presentazione del Dott Gabrielli (Coordinatore scientifico del progetto Ortles) che ha parlato via Skype dagli Stati Uniti. L’escursione si è svolta sul Ghiacciaio di Solda, con l’ausilio di guide alpine e istruttori, ed ha permesso agli studenti di raggiungere la Cima Solda.

Il prossimo appuntamento è  dal 22 al 24 Ottobre 2012 presso l’EURAC (Bolzano) dove si svolgeranno le giornate della Scienza. In quell’occasione gli studenti parleranno della loro esperienza.

Aggiornamento 2011

Almost three months have passed since the “hot” phase of the Ortler project, meaning those three weeks in September and October 2011, when an international research team extracted for the very first time an ice core from the bottom of the summit of the Ortler glacier in the Eastern Alps. This happened four times: the team was able to extract a 75 metre ice core three times and a 60 metre core once.

During that same period some 20 high school students from the surrounding area got involved through educational activities organised by the same researchers. The goal was to bring teachers and students to the place where the research was taking place – and while it was ongoing – in order to allow them to “witness” the research.

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